Encounters: The UFO Phenomenon, Exposed!
Encounters - The UFO Phenomenon, Exposed (1995).iso
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The MAJIC Positions
MAJIC Positions
July 12, 1947
Executive Order
The purpose of this agency will be to coordinate all United
States activities connected in any way with nonhuman alien
intelligence, including the management of the MAJESTIC science
group, military BLUE TEAM activities and FBI/CIA(G) surance
activities designed to establish and maintain all c-related
operations at the highest level of security obtainable. The
TOP SECRET/MAJIC classification is now the highest level of
MAJIC Initial Organizational Structure: MJ-1
MAJIC is a coordinating and management group, reflecting same
centralization concept contained in recent
legisla-establishing the Central Intelligence Agency. MAJIC
will be overseen by the Director of Central Intelligce, who
will report on all MAJIC activities to the President as
appropriate and advisable.
DCIA will receive the MAJIC Designation MJ-1. Admiral
Hil-coetter is appointed MJ-1(1) by order of the President.
Positions MJ-2-4 are MAJIC administrative positions. Should
project SIGMA (referenced below) succeed, MJ-1 will institiue
project PLATO, seeking to establish ongoing com-nications of a
diplomatic or negotiational nature with the aliens. The first
objective of this project will be to attempt to control alien
incursions into US airspace and alien contact with US
MJ-2 Position
MJ-2 is the designation for director, MAJIC Operations. Mr.
WiIfred Stone is appointed Director, MAJiC Operations, MJ-2,
by order of the President. Further appointments within the
Operational Group to follow. The primary responsibilities of
the MJ-2 position will be two. The first will be
administra-tive and collational, gathering and synthesizing
all output from all other MAJIC positions and transmitting
them in an orderly manner to MJ- 1. The second will be
diplomatic. MJ-2 will create an office (Designation: SIGMA)
that will seek means of communicating with the aliens.
MJ-3 Position
The MJ-3 position is the Civilian Operations Coordinator
re-sponsible for propaganda and maintenance of public
igno-rance in the face of extensive and obvious alien
activities, which include substantial and publicly visible
flyovers of Un-identified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Identified
Alien Craft (IACs). They also apparently include the abduction
of civil-ians as well as military personnel for unknown
reasons. The primary MJ-3 mission is to guard the fact that
government cannot prevent these activities and does not know
their pur-pose. MJ-3 will operate a program of denial and
ridicule. The natural skepticism of journalists will be
enlisted by total, ab-solute and blanket denial of any and all
sightings, disappear-ances, observations of landed craft, etc.
This program will be carried out no matter how obvious the
truth of a given report. It is essential that NO
sighting no matter how obvious be explained as an "unknown.''
Such explanation may lead to difficult questions and
journalistic demands and will threaten this program.
Further, MJ-3 will orchestrate the ridi-cule of civilians who
come forward with witness accounts. If they are persistent,
such civilians will be methodically dis-credited. Persons
associated with scientific institutions and universities who
are too interested in this subject will be warned away. Should
they persist strong measures will be taken as appropriate. The
atmosphere of denial and ridicule is intended to curtail
public understanding, and frighten non-MAJIC-associated
scientists into ignoring the whole area. MJ-3 will also be
responsible for the infiltration of ''flying saucer" study
groups now springing up as a by-product of recent radio and
newspaper attention. All cover operations will be coordinated
by MJ-3.
MJ-4 Position
The MJ-4 Position is Coordinator of Military Activities. The
Army Air Force BLUE TEAM set up to retrieve alien objects and
remains will advise MJ-4 of all its activities. All MAJIC-
related military operations will be coordinated by this
office, including those carried out after the impending
transfer of BLUE TEAM to Air Materiel Command from its present
S-2 Intelligence status. MJ-4 will manage Project REDLIGHT in
cooperation with AFMC and AFOC with the mission of flying any
intact alien craft that may be recovered. A civilian-based
National Reconnaissance Organization will be established to
provide site security for all activities relating to alien
craft, their movements and attempts to fly them.
MJ-5 Position
The MJ-5 Position is Coordinator of Security. All incoming
personnel must receive MAJIC clearance. This clearance can
only be granted to persons able to pass the most stringent
tests of background and loyalty. MAJIC clearance will be given
only after stringent FBI clearance investigation. Should a
situation develop where MAJIC clearance cannot be ex-tended to
a given elected individual above the MJ-1 level, that
individual will be isolated from all knowledge of MAJIC For
the duration of his term of office. MAJIC clearance
proce-dures apply to all persons exposed to any MAJIC
informa-tion, no matter how trivial, and will be applied to
elected as well as appointed officials.
MJ-6 Position
The MJ-6 position is an internal executive position. MJ-6 is
responsible for all record-keeping and isolation of MAJIC-
related files within the Library of Congress and related
collection centers such as military document centers. This
posi-tion will maintain not only a record-keeping division but
also a research division that will be devoted to the discovery
and classification of related isolates from other branches,
such as FBI or Air Force documents that incidentally refer to
MAJIC, MAJESTIC or related activities. It will coordinate all
activities with MJ-9.
MJ-7 Position
J-7 is Coordinator of Allied Relations. MJ-7 will develop
liaison with presently forming Allied alien activities
organiza-tions. MJ-7(A) will provide civilian liaison to these
organiza-tions, and MJ-7(B) will provide military liaison.
MJ-8 Position
J-8 is Coordinator of Soviet Bloc Relations. MJ-8 will
at-tempt to create an atmosphere of complete and open sharing
of information, in view of the apparently hostile nature of
the alien incursion and the obvious need to cooperate at the
highest levels in order to achieve a meaningful and effective
human response to the possible arrival of massive alien force.
MJ-9 Position
J-9 is Project Historian. The historical mission is twofold.
First, historians shall be enlisted to attempt to determine
the extent of alien activity prior to the present time.
Second. a MAJIC Historical Bureau shall receive
lldocuments from all units and prepare and maintain a
large-scale historical re-source for use in briefing and as a
source of reference.
MJ-10 to MJ-12 Positions
These are scientific positions.
MJ-10 Position
J-10 is Coordinator for the Physical Sciences. Subgroups will
include Astrophysics, Propulsion, Electromagnetics, Par-ticle
and Atomic Physics and other areas to be added as
as asneeded. The primary mission of the MJ-10 position is to
collect data and provide meaningful answers regarding the
science behind the amazing alien craft and their apparent
mastery of such forces as gravity, and the nature,
capabili-ties, and limitations of their weapons.
MJ-11 Position
J-11 is Coordinator for Biological and Behavioral Sciences.
The mission of the MJ-11 position is to collect information as
to the nature of alien biology, brain function and behavior.
It is especially important it be determined if any viruses,
bacte-ria, gases, chemicals or radioactive elements might be
effec-tive as weapons.
MJ-12 Position
J-12 is overall Coordinator of Scientific Activities. Under
J-12 will be two subsidiary positions, MJ-12(A) and MJ-12(B).
J-12(A) will be coordinator of defense-related
scien-tific activities, with priority on the development of
weapons/strategies which will provide the US with an effective
deterrent where none whatsoever now exists. MJ-12(B) will be
coordinator of other scientific activities, with priority on
the understanding of the physical nature of the aliens and
their motives/objectives.
Jeremy D. Zawodny /
Bowling Green State University